Growth of eCommerce in Recent Years

eCommerce growth continues to skyrocket year after year even though we’ve been purchasing products online for quite some time now. Consumers spent slightly more than $3.5 trillion in online shopping in 2019 — up 18 percent from $2.9 trillion in 2018 and a pretty significant 46 percent jump from 2017’s $2.4 trillion.

While eCommerce continues to grow, so too does the corrugated industry, and at a rate faster than expected. Global online sales are expected to exceed $5.5 trillion in 2023, which will have a profound impact on packaging demand, especially in the corrugated industry as it represents 80% of demand in e-commerce.

The Importance of eCommerce Packaging

Given the exponential growth of the Internet and eCommerce, brands are running into challenges when it comes to creating a memorable buying experience, and more importantly, a memorable unboxing experience for their customers. What can you do to really impress your customers and make them stick with you instead of leaving for your competitor?

The growth of online shopping has caused brands to be more flexible and make adjustments to their packaging strategies. Now more than ever, it’s important that you make every customer feel satisfied with their purchase. One of the best ways to do this is through custom eCommerce packaging.

By implementing custom eCommerce packaging for your business, you’re capable of delivering a good impression to your customers from their very first glance. Studies have shown a strong correlation between the design of product packaging and a customer’s perceived value of that product. With custom eCommerce packaging, you can guarantee that when your customer is impressed as soon as they’re introduced to your brand. It doesn’t take long for a customer to form an opinion on a brand. This usually happens within the first couple of seconds and long before they get to your actual product, so don’t let your packaging be what’s holding your product back.

Benefits of Custom eCommerce Packaging

Creating a Memorable Unboxing Experience

Most retailers or distributors ship their products in a standard corrugated box, padded envelope, or mailing bag. By creating custom eCommerce packaging, your customers are better able to distinguish your brand from your competitors. Custom packaging has gone from being a differentiator to a must-have for brands, otherwise, they’re being left behind.

Most individuals can recall the joy that they got to experience as a kid on Christmas day as they unwrapped their presents. The excitement and anticipation that eventually led to seeing what’s inside. eCommerce packaging nowadays is not much different. To this day, we all still get excited about opening up a package to see what’s inside, but if the product is presented to us in a manner that is appealing or attractive, then we’re even more satisfied, and much more likely to remember how we felt when we opened that package, and what brand it was that made us feel like that.

If you’re interested in learning how to create a memorable experience for your customers, be sure to check out our blog on Improving the Unboxing Experience for a few tips. It’s also much more cost-effective than you might think to create a custom design for your eCommerce packaging.

If you’re ready to make the leap toward custom eCommerce packaging, don’t hesitate to reach out to us today and we can discuss how we can help you design a custom eCommerce packaging that will set your brand apart from the rest.

Improving Customer Delight

A custom design not only creates an immediate impression that customers won’t soon forget, but one that they will know to look for in future shipments as well. A study found that attractive packaging is able to stimulate the reward-seeking areas of the brain that are associated with impulse purchasing.

In comparison, plain packaging doesn’t have much of an effect on the brain at all. Which means, in order to make a positive impact on your customers’ decisions when it comes to purchasing, it’s important to consider how your product is being presented.

Increasing Repeat Customers

Packaging matters. Your customers care about the packaging their products come in and are extremely likely to share that information with others. If a customer is satisfied with not only your product, but the packaging in which it came, they’re much more likely to purchase from you again.

It’s important to note that the buying experience doesn’t end once your customer orders your product online. In order to effectively grow your business and attract repeat customers and their referrals, you should extend the process through the entire product experience, beginning with the moment they lay eyes on your product’s packaging.

An effective custom package takes on the positive attributes of the brand itself. This could be attention to detail, high value, and a great overall experience. This is what makes one-time customers return, and even turns them into ambassadors of your brand.

Brand Awareness & Identity

Jamestown Container can help you create a custom design that’s easily repeatable, cost-effective, and true to your brand. Quality customized packaging can help your company increase brand awareness simply by standing out from competitors. By being creative and designing a custom box or package that’s unique to your brand, you can accomplish your brand awareness goals and more.

Work with eCommerce Packaging Experts

At Jamestown Container, we’ve been helping companies make their packaging processes more effective and efficient for over 60 years. From unique packaging designs to our own eVMI solution that automates packaging for companies in all industries, our experienced and talented team will partner with you to solve virtually any eCommerce packaging challenges you might have.