Need to step up your packaging programs for 2022? Our ultimate guide to product packaging design will help you to increase sales, reduce costs, and level-up packaging across the board in the new year.

Solve Your Retail Packaging Problems

With online shopping becoming more popular each year, having an airtight online retail packaging plan in place is essential for every company looking to increase online sales. From fulfilling orders faster to creating e-commerce packaging that delights, we answered the most popular questions for e-commerce retailers on our blog.

One common issue that e-commerce companies run into is that their packaging isn’t strong enough to withstand potential shipping hazards. Corrugated is one of the strongest packaging materials and, when designed to fit the product perfectly, reducing the amount of void space, it can help reduce sunk costs from damage.

Another frequent obstacle to reaching e-commerce goals is the efficiency of order fulfillment processes. Additional packaging services like vendor-managed packaging inventory or third-party logistics streamline the packing and shipping process so your business can keep up with demand.

Lastly, creating aesthetically pleasing packaging that promotes a positive unboxing experience and delights customers is essential to e-commerce success. Working with a packaging partner that’s dedicated to innovating custom solutions will help you to achieve creative, high-quality online product packaging in 2022.

Find out more expert solutions to e-commerce challenges here.

Level-Up With Smart Packaging

Smart packaging can turn your packaging’s effectiveness up a notch in a variety of ways, including adding an easy authenticity check for consumers, giving information about your brand and its practices, and encouraging engagement in and out of the store. Smart packaging is a growing trend in the packaging space, and the possibilities are endless.

Make deals more interactive with a QR code coupon or rewards program sign-up link. Offer important product information or news about your company’s initiatives that don’t fit directly on the package. Direct consumers to web assets like video tutorials, product-themed games, or social media channels to help your brand make more of a lasting impression.

Whatever your goals, there’s a smart packaging solution to enhance every customer’s experience. And an innovative, adaptable, experienced packaging partner can help you bring your ideas to life.

Need more inspiration? Check out our smart packaging ideas here.

Make Your Brand Identity Stand Out

Differentiating yourself from competitors starts at the core of your business — your brand identity. Product packaging plays an important role in this, as your physical branded assets are a distinct communicator of your brand, both in stores and once your customers bring your products home.

Avoiding mistakes like misspellings, inconsistent printed brand colors, or other printing issues like graphic misalignment or smudges is essential for communicating high value to consumers. Consistency in printing also enhances consumer awareness and recognition of your products in stores.

Additionally, packaging is a valuable place for getting across your brand values, history, and mission. With today’s consumers looking to support brands they can feel good about giving their money to, making the most of the messaging on your packaging is especially important.

Your packaging should also protect your product until it reaches customers’ hands, as any damage will again communicate lower quality. All information on the packaging should be easy to read and understand to reach all customers more inclusively, and any necessary information should be readily available to build more honest, loyal relationships with potential customers.

See more of our packaging tips for highlighting your brand here.

Keep Up With Consumers’ Eco-Consciousness

Along with consumer trends indicating overall increased concern for brands’ values, consumers are also more likely to purchase from eco-friendly brands. Packaging is a key element here, as non-plant-based materials like plastic contribute to the already huge amount of plastic waste harming the environment (about 8 million pieces of plastic are dumped into the ocean every day!).

Corrugated has long been considered one of the most sustainable packaging materials, with its recyclability and high recovery rate. A more detailed look at the entire lifecycle of corrugated — from manufacturing to use, and first recycling to final throwaway — gives a better look at the bigger picture for corrugated’s sustainability.

A lifecycle assessment or LCA is a tool for designers and engineers to identify and address the negative environmental impact that any product has from “cradle to grave.” Corrugated’s most recent LCA proves the industry’s commitment to the environment by showing improvement over time in several areas across the board, on top of corrugated’s naturally sustainable qualities.

Want the scoop on the latest LCA? Read our breakdown here.

Get High-Quality Packaging for Less

While the benefits of custom packaging are vast, we understand that companies are always having to weigh the options with their budgets. Luckily, high-quality packaging doesn’t have to break the bank.

There are several options for reducing the cost of packaging programs while still achieving your vision. Creating better supply chain processes, using space-efficient packaging, and ensuring the integrity and longevity of reusable elements like displays can all lead to lower costs.

Third-party logistics and vendor-managed packaging inventory programs are two ways to streamline the packaging and order fulfillment processes, save warehouse space, and cut down on shipping costs from transporting products to multiple stops along the supply chain. Cut down further on shipping costs with fit-to-product boxes that help you save on dimensional-weight-based fees. And packaging you can count on to remain intact during its journey to the customer’s hands and home will save you on sunk costs from product damage.

Learn more of our packaging cost reduction secrets here.

Jamestown’s Innovators Are Experts in Product Packaging Design

With more than 65 years of experience, Jamestown Container Companies has ample expertise in staying ahead of the curve when it comes to new product packaging design trends. Our experts will listen to your needs and innovate solutions to help your vision come to life.

Contact Jamestown for better packaging programs in 2022.