Let Us Help Make This Difficult Time a Little Easier

April 14, 2020:  Jamestown Container’s Ability to Help

As we continue to navigate through this unpredictable time, Jamestown Container is here for you. Deemed a critical part of the supply chain, all of our locations remain open and ready to support your essential packaging needs.

We know that getting your products to market, especially those that support efforts to combat COVID-19, is more important than ever. With the majority of our raw materials sourced in New York and Ohio, and the ability to shift work between our multiple facilities, our supply chain is secure and our on-time delivery remains strong. We have the design and manufacturing capacity to support any new project, including orders for products supporting the efforts of our Nation during this time.

We continue to follow local, state, and CDC recommendations or protocols at all of our facilities to protect our employees, including reducing staff onsite at any time, shifting many of our key management and office personnel to work remotely, and implementing new procedures for our transportation and logistics teams. Though our Account Managers remain mobile and are available to meet to discuss new projects, we encourage the use of phone or video calls whenever possible.

We understand that limiting visitors at your facility is crucial to protecting the health and safety of your employees, however doing so may cause concerns with maintaining proper packaging inventory levels.  Our proprietary Electronic Vendor Inventory Management (eVMI) program is a non-contact solution that easily and accurately manages your packaging inventory without requiring a JCC representative be present at your location. If you are interested in implementing eVMI into your operations, please reach out to your Account Manager to discuss next steps.

We Are in This Together and Here to Help

At Jamestown Container Companies, we are honored to support the communities where we live and work through donations to local hospitals, food banks, and other organizations focused on helping our neighbors during this challenging time. If you are an establishment in need, please contact us today to see how we can help make this difficult time a little easier.