Corrugated Increases Efficiency and Allows You to Say More With Your Packaging

What is the packaging that is directly seen by your customers made of? If it’s not already corrugated, you might be part of the minority soon. More and more businesses are switching to corrugated as their choice material for their primary packaging.

Corrugated isn’t just for shipping anymore. With many different capabilities for your business to take advantage of, you can turn your primary packaging into a top marketing material easily without hurting your wallet.

Primary packaging is the packaging that touches the product, and the style and design can vary whether it’s sitting on a warehouse shelf, in a retail store, or being shipped directly to the customer. However, no matter where your product ends up, the goal of your primary packaging is always the same — gaining the attention of your customer.

Your primary packaging is meant to provide protection but also communicate a message. Who are you and what does your brand represent? When customers are shopping, or they’re unboxing an order, there’s not a lot of time to make an impression. For potential customers roaming the aisles, you want to grab them and convince them to buy your product. For customers who have already made a purchase, reinforcing your brand can help encourage repeat orders.

Primary packaging has to be flexible to meet these demands, and what better material for the job than corrugated? In today’s packaging trends, corrugated is being counted on time and time again for its ability to check off the boxes for what businesses need.

Want Your Corrugated to Put in the Work? Consider Using it as the Material for Your Primary Packaging

If you went into a store, you’d likely see more corrugated used as displays, stands, and packaging than you used to. With the ability to print designs and colors exactly how you want them, corrugated is readily used to engage and delight customers as they shop. Advances in printing and finishing technology have made it easier than ever to have a great looking product. The e-commerce industry uses the same technology for businesses looking to make their packages stand out when they arrive on your doorstep.

While corrugated is still a leader in protective shipping packaging, marketing and brand recognition add to the ROI by helping to continue to remarket to customers once their order arrives.

But this is only one of the benefits that corrugated brings to the table as a primary packaging material. New consumer purchasing experiences are changing the way that people interact with the products they want to buy, which means that your packaging has to adapt as well. For example, more and more people are shopping and ordering the things they want online. Without that first touchpoint with your customer, it all falls on your packaging to make a good impression. With corrugated, you can customize the material to reflect your brand to create a positive experience for whoever picks up your box.

Corrugated is also cost-effective. You won’t be hurting financially to create primary packaging that delights, and it will also be easy to see the ROI once the packaging is in front of customers. Corrugated is a relatively inexpensive material, and the switch can help you see money saved within your supply chain. Because it’s such light material, it’s cheaper to ship and easier to load and stock in stores. One example of this is creating shelf-ready packaging to ship directly to retailers. With corrugated containers you can also pack more efficiently, meaning you’ll be able to fit more product on a truck. Maximizing the truck’s capacity will decrease the number of loads needed to ship your orders, increasing the amount of freight savings!

The other benefit of using corrugated is one that we’ve been talking about for a while — sustainability. Businesses are switching to corrugated as their primary packaging material because of its ease to recycle and reuse. Corrugated is one of the most recycled materials in the world, and you can even get packaging that is made of recycled material. The positives here are twofold. First, you’ll be able to save money by using recycled materials. Second, you’re going to increase the positive brand awareness for your business. Consumers want to see brands that care about the environment. Encouraging them to recycle your packaging, and making it easy to do so, will help strengthen the relationship with your brand and inspire them to purchase from you again.

If you want to improve your packaging, whether it’s your shipping boxes or retail displays, consider implementing corrugated as your primary packaging material. Your business will be able to save money and make an impact just by making this simple switch.