Point-of-purchase (POP) displays are an integral tool for your retail marketing efforts. A great display can capture more consumer attention and lead to higher sales, whereas a lower quality display either won’t affect consumer behavior at all or can even damage consumer opinions of your brand. Partnering with a POP display manufacturer you know you can count on will help you to acquire custom, high-quality displays with a high ROI.

When it comes to making the highest quality displays, a number of different factors should be considered. Here is what you need to think about when it comes to choosing the right POP display manufacturer for your needs.

Structural Capabilities

Ensuring that your displays will hold your products long-term is the first step to a long lasting POP display that will bring you the most value. Working with an established packaging company with in-house structural engineers will ensure that displays will remain intact through shipping, in-stores, and in reuse for many years.

The International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) lays out guidelines for testing packaging in order to minimize damage during shipment. Jamestown Container’s ISTA-certified testing lab and team of packaging engineers ensure structural integrity both now and in the long run.

ISTA and other structural testing upfront will help you rest easy, knowing your products are well-supported in retail stores, reducing your risk of product damage. A well-structurally-designed POP display will also be easy to set up, tear down, and refresh as new campaigns come about. The base of your display will last for a long time, costing you less money down the line and making new packaging programs a breeze.

Visual Design Capabilities

You’ll also want your display to be eye-catching and a good visual representation of your brand. In order to make your vision a reality, you’ll need to work with a POP display manufacturer that has the visual design expertise to breathe life into your next packaging program.

Extensive printing capabilities will be essential for creating high-quality packaging that catches consumers’ attention. From flexo to digital printing, lithographic label printing and mounting, custom die cutting, and beyond, a variety of methods can be used and combined to achieve the specific look you’re after.

On top of having the right equipment to fulfill a design, printing expertise like precise color-matching, correct placement, and consistency between runs will also be essential to the quality of your final displays. Choosing a POP display manufacturer with extensive experience will reduce printing mistakes and improve both processes and the final products. Plus, an experienced packaging company will be able to weigh in on designs and the best methods to use in order to fulfill them.

Ease of Moving, Constructing, and Deconstructing

Functionality is incredibly important when it comes to creating long-lasting displays. As mentioned previously, a well-structured display should be able to be put together, taken apart, and repurposed easily, giving you the most return for your investment.

Displays that consist of pieces that are easy to put together, take apart, carry, and ship, will save you and retailers ample time in the long run. By using well-designed display pieces, you’ll be able to improve fulfillment processes for retail stores, getting your products and accompanying displays into stores more efficiently.

Delivering an easily built, high-quality display that follows retail guidelines will also keep you in good standing with your retail partners. Retailers need products on time, in great condition, and accompanied by high-quality packaging and displays. With the right partner, you’ll be able to easily deliver on all of those fronts.

Recyclability and Reusability

Corrugated is one of the highest recovered materials available for packaging. Due to this, companies that use corrugated packaging and displays are more likely to attract a more eco-conscious general consumer base than those that regularly use less sustainable materials like single-use plastic.

Working with a corrugated manufacturer for your POP displays is ideal, since corrugated is both a strong and easily recycled material. Plus, the strength of corrugated means it can last for a long time, giving it a longer lifecycle and, therefore, a higher chance at bringing more value in sales than its cost. This ultimately helps your packaging create value — both for your company through its ROI and for consumers by aligning with their sustainable initiatives.

Jamestown can build a multi-functional base that helps you save money and material when it comes time to refresh your program. So the next time you need to change out your visual design on a display, instead of a full rebuild, you’ll already have a sturdy base to reuse combined with new elements that keep your packaging program fresh.

Jamestown is the POP Display Manufacturer You Need

Contact Jamestown, a POP display manufacturer, to help achieve a high ROI for your physical retail marketing pieces. Our more than 65 years in the packaging industry mean we’re well-equipped to find the best solutions for even the hardest packaging issues.