Benefits of Implementing Custom Packaging Boxes

Customer Satisfaction

If you’re looking to satisfy your customers, there’s no better way to do so than by providing them with a pleasant unboxing experience and what better way to do so than with custom packaging boxes? This is especially important when it comes to e-commerce companies due to their lack of a “shelf presence” that retailers have. E-commerce companies need to leave an impression on their customers somehow and your product packaging can do just the trick. Interested in learning more about improving your customer satisfaction and how to improve the unboxing experience? Read our blog How Are You Improving the Unboxing Experience?

Product Safety/Protection

As important as providing your customers with a delightful experience is, making sure your product arrives at your customer’s doorstep the same way it left your warehouse is just as important. It doesn’t matter how great your product is, what problems it resolves, etc. if you can’t guarantee that it’ll make it to your customers in one piece. A custom packaging box will ensure that your product will make it from point A to point B safely. Combine custom packaging boxes with The Best Packaging Materials That Can Keep Your Products Safe and you’ll never have to worry about your product’s safety.


Because Jamestown Container’s custom packaging boxes are made of corrugated, they’re also extremely cost-effective. Corrugated is sustainably manufactured from trees and old recovered corrugated containers. It also has an industry recovery rate hovering around 90% over the last eight years as well as 96% in 2018, which makes it not only very cost-effective to produce, but also to reuse. Cost-efficiency is great, but did you know that custom packaging boxes can also help your business increase sales? Learn more about increasing your sales by reading our blog Three Strategic Ways that Corrugated Packaging Increases Sales.

Increased Brand Awareness

By creating custom packaging boxes that are easily repeatable, cost-effective, and true to your brand, you can easily increase your brand awareness and stand out from competitors. A creative, custom design that’s unique to your brand can accomplish your brand awareness goals and much more.

Custom Packaging for Retail

When it comes to your retail packaging, attracting a customer’s eye is one of the biggest challenges that businesses face, but it’s also the most important aspect. Businesses typically only have a few seconds to make an impact on consumers. If your product doesn’t stand out among its competitors, it won’t stand a chance of being picked up and examined further, let alone purchased. But custom packaging boxes can change all of that.

First off, it’s uniquely designed specifically for your product and nobody else’s, meaning that the look and feel is kept in mind. Secondly, it properly secures your product for retail placement. No longer do you need to worry about your product being incorrectly displayed. And lastly, it raises consumer perception of your product’s value. A customer is likely to perceive your product as better than a competitor’s if you have a custom packaging box. Interested in learning more about custom packaging for retail? Read our blog How Implementing A Custom Retail Packaging Solution Can Benefit Your Business.

Custom Packaging for E-Commerce

Retail packaging is one thing, but how can custom packaging help e-commerce businesses? Online shopping has become a multi-billion dollar industry, and it has led to brands becoming more flexible and needing to make adjustments to their packaging strategies. Today, it’s important to make every customer feel satisfied with their purchase. The best way to do this is through custom packaging boxes.

By implementing custom packaging boxes for your business, you’re capable of delivering a good first impression to your customers right off the bat. Studies have shown a strong correlation between the design of product packaging and a customer’s perceived value of that product. With custom packaging boxes, you can guarantee that when your customer is impressed as soon as they’re introduced to your brand. Don’t let your packaging be what’s holding your product back. Learn more by reading our blog The Benefits Of Implementing Custom ECommerce Packaging.

Jamestown’s Design Capabilities

At Jamestown Container Companies, we create custom packaging boxes that are tailored to your specific business needs. The days of looking at your packaging as just a box are over. Begin thinking about how you can enhance your product. With our design capabilities, we can make sure that your product packaging will stand apart from your competition.

Specializing in custom product packaging, our design team will help you maximize your product’s performance during handling, storage, and even shipping. By helping design a solution around your specific needs, we’ll better be able to help you navigate the current challenges you’re facing. In order to create a design for your product, we’ll work with your team to create a solution that provides both strength and protection throughout the distribution channel, durability and ease of use in retail environments, and eye-catching designs and guidance to attract and satisfy customers.

Our in-house design teams are industry-recognized and capable of creating the perfect plan for your custom packaging boxes. Wondering what a design looks like in real life? No problem. We can create prototypes so that you’re able to test the product-to-box fit prior to placing a full order.

At Jamestown Container Companies, we work hard to create custom product packaging that is cost-efficient, reliable, and environmentally sustainable. Read more about our custom product packaging here.

Work with the Custom Package Box Experts

At Jamestown Container, we’ve been helping companies make their packaging processes more effective and efficient for more than 60 years. From unique packaging designs to our own eVMI solution that automates packaging for companies in all industries, our experienced and talented team will partner with you to solve virtually any packaging challenges you might have. Contact us today to learn more.